Pokédex Entry - #405 Luxray

Luxray has an ability to see through objects which it uses to scout for danger. When it's eyes gleam gold, it can spot hiding prey, even those hiding behind walls. It also uses this ability to help keep an eye on its offspring.

Luxray is an Electric Type Pokémon and number #405 in the National Pokédex, originating from Sinnoh (Gen 4).
It is classified as a Gleam Eyes Pokémon.

Luxray has a gender ratio of 50% for both male and female.

Rivalry - Luxray's Attack and Special Attack is increased by 25% if the opponent is the same gender, or decreased by 25% if the opponent is the opposite gender.
Intimidate - When Luxray enters battle, the opponent's Attack is lowered by one stage. During a double battle, both opponents' Attack are lowered. Pokémon with the abilities White Smoke, Clear Body or Hyper Cutter are not affected. In link battles, if both teams switch Pokémon during the same turn and the first team sends out Luxray, the opponent's Attack will be lowered before their Pokémon is switched out.

Guts (Hidden Ability) - Luxray's Attack is increased by 50% when induced with a status (Freeze, Burn, Poison, Sleep). Burn's effect will not be applied to lower Luxray's Attack.

Luxray has 2 previous evolution.
Shinx - Level up Shinx to lv15 to evolve it into Luxio.
     Luxio - Level up Luxio to lv30 to evolve it into Luxray.

Base Stats:
Total Stats - 523
HP - 80
Attack - 120
Defence - 79
Special Attack - 95
Special Defence - 79
Speed  - 70

General Information:
Height - 4'07''
Weight - 92.6lbs
Base Friendship - 70
EVs Earned upon Defeating - 3 Attack Points
Catch Rate (although not available to catch in the wild) - 45

Ways to Obtain in X/Y - Evolve Luxio, which can be caught in the Friend Safari.

Ways to Obtain in ORAS - Evolve Luxio, which can be caught on Route 118 with DexNav after defeating Kyogre/Groudon.

Luxray is a part of the Field Egg Group.

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