Fun Poké Fact - Smallest Pokémon Type

Just a random fun poké fact for you all today ;)

Did you know that out of the all the types that pokémon can have, the least populated type (the type that has the least amount of pokémon) is Ice, as only 33 Ice type Pokémon actually exist (including dual typings)!

This is even less than the new Fairy type, which has 34 pokémon (the same as the Ghost type)... Quite surprising considering Ice and Ghost types have existed since Generation 1, whereas Fairy types were only introduced in Generation 6 (although yes, they did give some pokémon new typings).

These numbers are a big difference when you take in to account the large amount of pokémon that exist with other types, with the most populated type being Water... currently 117 exist!

Come on GameFreak! Let's have some new awesome Ice, Ghost and Fairy type pokémon next generation to even out the numbers ;)

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