Pokédex Entry - #384 Rayquaza


Rayquaza is said to live and fly forever within the Ozone layer, far above the clouds and unable to be seen from the ground. It is thought to have lived for hundreds of millions of years, with legends claiming how it stopped the battle between Kyogre and Groudon. It consumes meteoroids for sustenance, and the many meteoroids in its body provide energy for Rayquaza to mega evolve. Rayquaza is rarely seen by people; even in flight, its appearance is indistinguishable from that of a meteor.

Rayquaza is a Dragon and Flying dual-type Pokémon and number #384 in the National Pokédex, originating from Hoenn (Gen 3 and Gen 6 Remakes).
It is classified as the Sky High Pokémon.

Rayquaza is Genderless.

Air Lock - All weather effects are negated while Rayquaza is in battle.

Delta Stream (Upon Mega Evolving) - Creates the weather effect of strong winds, which lasts for as long as Rayquaza is in battle. It weakens the power of any super effective moves used on Flying type pokémon.

Rayquaza does not evolve.
It can mega evolve, however, when it knows the move Dragon Ascent.

Base Stats:
Total Stats - 680
HP - 105
Attack - 150
Defence - 90
Special Attack - 150
Special Defence - 90
Speed - 95

Base Stats after mega evolving:
Total Stats - 780
HP - 105
Attack - 180
Defence - 100
Special Attack - 180
Special Defence - 100
Speed - 115

General Information:
Height - 23'00'' (35'05'' when mega evolved)
Weight - 455.2lbs (864.2lbs when mega evolved)
Base Friendship - 0
EVs Earned upon Defeating - 2 Attack Points and 1 Special Attack Point
Catch Rate - 45

Ways to Obtain in ORAS - Sky Pillar

Rayquaza is unable to breed.

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